Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software licensing and delivery model whereby the software is built once, for all customers to use. It’s licensed on a subscription basis and centrally hosted – similar to Microsoft Office, Adobe, MailChimp, Xero and others.

SaaS platforms are continually evolving and the new innovations and security upgrades are included in licence fees. This reduces the risk of systems becoming obsolete and the need for costly upgrades or a complete system rebuild down the track.

Membes AMS is an enterprise SaaS that has been specifically designed for trade and professional associations, industry bodies and other member-based organisations to deliver the benefits associations need, without the high costs. 

Traditionally, when an organisation needed software to help run their operations (for example, a website, CRM, CMS, event management, membership management etc.), a web or software development company would be contracted to build a bespoke solution to fit their purpose. This approach is more costly, has longer implementation timeframes and can come with problems and uncertainties that a SaaS solution can avoid.   

Why should you consider SaaS for your Association Management System?

An Association Management System (AMS), is software designed specifically for associations, bringing together the functions of membership management, a database, eCommerce, finance, events, communications, website and reporting into one platform.

Offering an AMS through the SaaS model presents many advantages to customers over and above what is possible with a tailored solution:

SaaS Tailored
  • A system built specifically to the needs of a professional association - includes the full set of features and functionality used by the vast majority of associations. Pick and choose what you want, now and in the future, while also being able to configure your AMS to individual requirements. 
  • A system built in response to selected features and functionality a customer needs at a single point in time. As the Association’s needs evolve, additional custom development is required. More time, more cost.  
  • Regular updates and upgrades. All customers benefit from new features to ensure the platform keeps pace with the evolving needs of members, technological advances and security requirements. Membes invests in the highest data protections possible with all data stored in Australia.
  • A static product. Any future changes or updates instigated by the customer require a new project and incur additional development costs. Customers miss out on knowledge sharing, best practice and innovation. 
  • More features at lower price. 
  • Less features at higher price. 
  • Fixed cost – based on the known price of the SaaS product  
  • Cost uncertain. High risk of budget blowout due to complexities e.g. additional features being identified during build; testing and fixing bugs; and extra time spent on the project. 
  • Fixed timing - the product has already been built and is available off the shelf immediately.   
  • Uncertain timing – blowouts are common due to the above. 
  • Risk of gaps in functionality are mitigated by having a purpose-built system ready to go. 
  • Risk of necessary functionality not being included in scope and missing from final product. 

With the constant evolution of technology, now more than ever, associations need to ensure they can adapt to changing market conditions and meet the evolving needs of their members.

Can your association afford NOT to be using a dedicated AMS delivered via the SaaS model?

By Membes | 3 June 2024